As more and more couples experience the fertility struggle, there is definitely more information popping up on the subject (and most of it seems to be coming from fertility clinics). There have been moments where I shake my head at some of the things that are shared.
And it’s not that the information shared isn’t scientifically sound, but it doesn’t always give the whole picture.
When I think back to how little I knew myself when we had our first miscarriage (over 5 years ago now), it makes my heart ache that so many women and couples are believing partial information that may limit the faith they have in their own bodies and the ability to DO something about their fertility journey.
What I’ve learned along the way as I dug into the topic of preconception health, is that there IS something that every couple can do about the state of their overall health and therefore their fertility and ability to conceive, whether that be naturally or with assisted reproductive technology. Even if you have a physical blockage preventing you from conceiving, the sperm and the egg still need to be of the utmost quality and your hormones and other systems that support reproductive health still need to be working at a level to support life for 40 blissful weeks (where’s that laughing emoji when I need it!?).
And because I just have to go, every single time...getting pregnant is only part of the equation! Preparing your body prior to conception–eating nutrient dense foods, swapping out toxic products for safer options, cleaning up your stress and emotional wellbeing, etc.–can all affect your body down to a genetic level meaning that you can literally optimize the health of your genes prior to bringing that sperm and egg together. Not only that, but having a healthy diet and lifestyle during pregnancy as well can literally impact your baby’s health into their adult years!
That’s crazy huge.
So, what these educational posts, articles, etc. tend to leave out, is what YOU can do about it all.
So here are some myths that I’ve come across over the years in my research as well as in working with clients and more of the truth behind the matter. Plus, because I absolutely love giving you ways to take action, a little bonus health tip for each.
Myth: I have no control over my fertility.
Truth: Your ability to conceive is not just a chance encounter. Even if your mom had fertility struggles, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you will struggle as well (genetic causes of infertility are quite low). Issues with fertility are definitely multifaceted and there can be several issues at the root of your fertility struggle. Egg or sperm quality, low nutrient status, hormonal imbalances, low thyroid function, blood sugar irregularities, etc. And the list goes on.
Tip: The best thing you can do to optimize your fertility is support your body from the inside out doing things you have the power to do with your own two hands! Nourish with nutrient-dense whole foods, work to decrease your stress (self-care anyone!?), clean up your beauty, skincare and household products and get to know your menstrual cycle health. Each one of these diet and lifestyle areas works to support a healthier internal environment and better egg and sperm quality. Start with one area of focus and work your way through to create a beautiful shift in your fertility health.
Myth: Having a period every month means good fertility.
Having a regular period, give or take a day or two, is a good sign that you are ovulating and that is something to celebrate. Ovulation is necessary for fertility, but there is much more to the fertility puzzle. I’m talkin’ juicy eggs and lots of eager, forward swimming sperm, nutrients galore, a non-toxic external environment (keeping your internal environment from the hormone-busting chemies) and powerful detox pathways.
Tip: Focus on nourishment here. Choose healthy fats (think grass-fed butter or ghee, coconut and olive oils, avocado, nuts and seeds, etc.), clean proteins (from organic, sustainably raised animal proteins as well as pastured whole eggs, wild fish, etc.) to provide the building blocks for healthy hormones and eat plenty of leafy greens, vegetables and some fruit to get in plenty of antioxidants to support egg and sperm health.
Myth: An irregular cycle is a sign of infertility or fertility issues.
Not necessarily. The delicate hormones that regulate your menstrual cycle can be affected by disruptions to sleep, stress levels and exercise so it’s not uncommon for you to have irregular periods here or there.
If your periods are irregular on the regular then this can make conception more challenging. Your fertile window sits about 3-5 days prior to ovulation and just after so knowing about when you’re ovulating is important for timing intercourse. If your periods are irregular, it can be more difficult to properly time intercourse and may even be a sign of something more serious like polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).
Tip: Begin taking note of your fertile signs–cervical fluid and basal body temperature–throughout your cycle as a way of getting to know your cycle a little better. I love the books, “Taking Charge of Your Fertility” and “The Fifth Vital Sign”. These are such great resources for helping you to get to know your cycle better and pinpointing specific issues and potential health problems.
Myth: I’m young so I won’t struggle with fertility issues.
It is true that fertility issues are less common in younger women and couples, but that doesn’t mean you’re in the clear if you’re under 35. Internal damage caused by dieting and restrictive diets, toxic chemicals from personal care and home products and high levels of stress can negatively impact delicate eggs and sperm and wreak havoc on your hormones.
Tip: It’s important for couples to evaluate their diet and lifestyle history and plan their preconception preparation timeline accordingly. If you have a history of any of the above, it’s important to plan for at least 4 to 6 months of focused preconception preparation to help optimize sperm and egg health, among other things. If you have a history of health issues, long term dieting or a more processed food diet, exposure to toxic chemicals, PCOS, etc., you may need more time to improve fertility health and create an internal environment for baby to thrive–1-3 years prep time.
Myth: IVF or egg freezing is a fail-safe insurance policy.
With all the celebrity pregnancies and friends celebrating their IVF successes, it seems like assisted reproductive technology (ART) has a pretty high success rate, right? Not so much. The success rate for ART is actually pretty low–31 percent lead to healthy, live births in women under the age of 35 and this number declines significantly for women aged 37-40 (only 16 percent success rate).
Most people don’t love sharing about the trying experience that is IVF and failed IVF cycles (I mean, can you blame them!?). The journey to baby through IVF can be emotionally, physically and financially stressful.
Did you know that natural and alternative fertility methods have a higher rate of success (80-90% success rates) and I’ve seen a similar rate within my own nutrition practice supporting women and couples dealing with fertility issues.
Sound crazy to you? Probably, since most couples aren’t aware of this option or aren’t going this route. But when couples do, their outcomes are incredible. Even if you end up needing IVF to grow your family, your body will be in such a better place to support life within and create a little human who flourishes!
Tip: Consider taking a “pause” on baby makin’ to implement some preconception prep work. This can be hard for couples to hear, but consider the possibilities of getting your body healthy and potentially not having to go through IVF to get pregnant. And if you do, consider what this work can do for the health of your little one during pregnancy and beyond! It’s powerful stuff!
The infertility world can be tough to navigate, but I hope you’ll be encourage to know that there is so much you can do to optimize your health, fertility and create more joy within your story!